¶ Configure src/config/config.xlsx
Configure all settings in the “Settings” sheet of config.xlsx before running the robot.
- TestCaseFolderPath: set a folder of your test cases files (default: C:\AutomationTestRobot\TestCase)
- WorkingFolderPath: set a folder for the AutomationTestRobot creating its own temp files (default: C:\AutomationTestRobot\Working)
- TestResultFolderPath: set a folder to save test result files (default: C:\AutomationTestRobot\TestResult)
- GeneratedTestCaseFolderPath: set a folder for the AutomationTestRobot to save generated test cases template files (default: C:\AutomationTestRobot\GeneratedTestCase)
- ErrorScreenshotFolderPath: set a folder for the AutomationTestRobot to save screenshot when it caught unexpected exception (default: C:\AutomationTestRobot\Error)
- LogFolderPath: set a folder for the AutomationTestRobot to log its own log information (default: C:\AutomationTestRobot\Logs)
- Unattended: choose your “Unattended mode” or “Attended mode”. if FALSE, the AutomationTestRobot runs in attended mode, which shows popup for you to choose which sub-robot to run. Otherwise, TRUE, the AutomationTestRobot runs the Sub-Robot1.
- Sub-Robot 1: Execute all your test cases
- Sub-Robot 2: Execute just one test case (you pickup later)
- Sub-Robot 3: Generate test cases template by scanning a UiPath codes folder (you pickup later)
- ShowInformationForm: In Unattended mode, this is always FALSE. In attended mode, if ShowInformationForm is TRUE, the AutomationTestRobot will show a WinForm to show current status (for reference)
¶ Try sample test cases in test_cases_sample/
- Edit the “Settings” sheet of each .xlsx test case file and set B2 value to the actual .xaml file path at your local PC.
- Put those test cases at the folder you set in “TestCaseFolderPath” in src/config/config.xlsx
- Run the robot, choose Sub-Robot 1
- Check the folder “TestResultFolderPath” to see tested result.
- Check the folder “LogFolderPath” to see test log.
¶ Test your own workflow .xaml files
- Set “Unattended” = FALSE in src/config/config.xlsx, then run the robot, choose Sub-Robot 3 and select your workflow folder.
- Next, edit the generated test case files at “GeneratedTestCaseFolderPath” (generated in the first step above), input your test data.
- Next, set name for each test case by editing the sheet names. Note: each sheet name, except Settings, will be the name of the test case. Please set only windows-file-name-compatible name for avoiding any unexpected error (for safer, set only characters in [a-zA-Z0-9-_]).
- Next Move completed test case files to the folder “TestCaseFolderPath”, then close all excel windows
- Then, run the robot, choose Sub-Robot 1 (or 2), have a coffee, and see your tested result.
¶ Build your own CICD environment
Just set Unattended=TRUE in src/config/config.xlsx, publish it as a robot, schedule the automation test, and manage the TestResult.xlsx and TestLog files in your own productive way.
¶ Have fun
Customize the robot with your own needs and share it with the community.